How make AutoHunt For Game???

How make AutoHunt For Game???

Logic Uopilot


Tutorial Part II the question of how to make stamina Auto / Auto relogin / Detection of Anti-GM /

Auto Stamina if Low
logic send # >>> >>> >>> send 1 if a menu appears (get coordinates stat) >>> Middle send (the enter key / button ok / Middle button can be seen on each keypad arrangement "after emerging >>>> >>> stamina you can hover the mouse right coordinates >>> if (if stamina 54:00) then press again and go hunt >>> if_not (if stamina is not in the sense uDH 54:00 53 then off >>> logic or script off easily >>>> send >> send 3s wait f2 f1 f2 >>>> >>> send send f1

2. Auto relog

easy ,,, if char UDH off >>>> then just wait 4hour love or in a second count himself wrote >>> eg 1 min 60s means, and if 4 hours >>> >>> how second if  4 hours> >>> create login Script >>>> >>> send 2 send enter (middle) >>> send 7 //

3. Detection of GM

as has been learned in part 1 way no different monster detection with the detection of GM, GM alone just take color ,, color >>>> trick taking GM, go to Erebos, then find king Cerberus (byakok) the name of his boss red ,, be the exact color of his Boss,

and apply a script like this >>>>>

#s set findcolor (9, 3120, 273 1 1 (3633823)% arr 2)
if #s> 0 // Detection GM
GM detection gosub

GM detection:

send f2
wait 1s
send f1
wait 1s
send f2
wait 1s
send f1

and char automatic off
Show message GM detected


which is the color 3633823 byakok name, you can apply at GM


Tutorial Part II pertanyaan bagaimana membuat Auto stamina/Auto Relogin/Deteksi Anti GM/

  1. Auto Stamina jika Low
logikanya >>> send # >>> send 1 >>> if  muncul menu(dapatkan koordinat stat) >>> send Middle(tombol enter/tombol ok/tombol Middle bisa di lihat pada pengaturan keypad masing">>>> setelah muncul stamina anda>>> arahkan tepat mouse dapat kan koordinat>>> if ( jika stamina 54:00) maka tekan kembali dan lanjut hunt>>> if_not( jika stamina bukan 54:00 dalam artian udh 53 maka off>>> logika atau script off mudah>>>> send f2 wait 3s>> send f1>>> send f2>>>> send f1

2. Auto Relog

mudah sekali,,, jika char udh off>>>> maka kasih aja wait 4hour atau dalam detik hitung aja sendiri>>> misal 60s artinya 1 min, dan kalo 4 jam >>> berapa second>>> jika sdh 4 jam >>>> buat koding login>>>> send 2>>> send enter( middle)>>> send 7 //

3. Deteksi GM

seperti yang sudah di pelajari di part 1 cara deteksi monster tidak ada bedanya dengan deteksi GM, hanya mengambil color GM saja,,>>>> trik mengambil color GM, pergi ke erebos, trus cari king cerberus (byakok) nama boss nya berwarna merah,, dapat kan color Boss nya dengan tepat, 

dan terapkan script seperti ini >>>>> 

set #d findcolor ( 9, 3 120, 273  1 1 (3633823) %arr 2)
if #d > 0 //  Deteksi GM
gosub deteksi GM

deteksi GM:

send f2
wait 1s
send f1
wait 1s
send f2
wait 1s
send f1

dan char otomatis off
Show message GM terdeteksi


yang mana 3633823 adalah color nama byakok, yang bisa anda terapkan pada GM

Semoga Membantu Happy Gamming ^_^

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